Friday, 3 October 2014

early version compared with full release

Was reading some comments about a game which is in a testing phase at the moment and people were of course commenting on the footage and when people mentioned negative's the response was "its a test/early version"

But that got me thinking if a game is released either in a beta/alpha/demo/test release how often are they different to the final product ?.And for me personally with the limited games i have played i have not played many early versions which does not give me a basis on what the final game will be like. The only game i remember playing was timeshift for the pc when i played the demo the game was took back into development and redone so the final version was very different.

There have been games such as killer instinct and streetfighter x tekken were the first vids i saw the game was changed a fair bit though i suspect even with those early versions you would still get a feel of a game.

And of course we have games like duke nukem forever and aliens colonial marines where the final version is different.

But i would really love to know for the people who play far more games then i would what games have you played where the final version was a lot different ?

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