Monday 29 September 2014

Crowdfunding and games

I am a big fan of crowd funding and thankfully been lucky in that all projects i have backed have not fallen down.

I do think it is a good way to get the type of games i enjoy but really have not much chance of coming out any other way

There have been games that i thought would do ok but have done really well and others that i really thought would do amazingly well but barely get funded or not at all.

I think in the end it boils down to these points

Genre you get that right and you will do well for example kingdom come was a skyrim type of rpg but without the magic and dragons and it really hit a chord for a lot of people. I love fighting games and skullgirls did well but there were others i really wish did better

The people involved.If you have the right people involved with the game it makes a huge difference the biggest examples are double fine and the game broken age and the mighty no 9 with Keiji Inafune. the history really helps

Do a really good intro vid ideally with gameplay footage or at the least perhaps test footage

Set a sensible budget and break down how much it will cost to make the game and research it

Now for things i really hate in crowd funding

Stretch goals. Not a fan of these reason being i want the game the best it can be. Goals for 3ds version or a original sound track cd are nice but if it takes away from making the game better that i do not like. And the fact is i do not like it if there is a stretch goal i really want and the game does not make it.

It is a risk i would always say look up the people involved see there track record use a site like which would often highlight some potentially risky projects

Do not start a project where the game you will get is only a demo or beta version and not a full game i have seen a few projects start off like that and they really struggled

Now this is a personal thing but i see a game and the idea looks amazing and promising but then i see the words "for android/ios" and my heart just sinks i always feel those games are going to be simplified and cut down to a huge extreme to work on mobile

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