Sunday 14 September 2014

Microsoft buying mojang....a good idea yes the price nooo

Ok over 2 billion that is a lot of money with that they could created several gaming studios and create some great triple A games and god knows how many lower budget games.

But to buy a studio that while has created one of the successful games ever does not have a track record yet and the rumor that the creator markus persson will not stay after is not a really good sign.

Thing is for the xbox one microsoft need the exclusives (as do the other consoles) and i believe they need to spend there money wisely

I always thought they would have bought double helix and iron galaxy that while more niche would have just been part setting up there own studios the rumor was that amazon probably spent less then 100 million on double helix

For both the xbox one, ps4 and slightly less so the wii u there is a bit of a gaming drought each company has a stack load of IP's but just not the games released.

The way i see it they should hire the right people and set up studios and get them stuck into developing the games. Buying studios is well and good but make sure they have a track record first

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