Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Project nimbus kickstarter some early impressions of the alpha build

So while backed i backed a kickstarter project and they have released the alpha version which they update regular.So i thought i would give a few opinions. Now i will stress it is very early and they do take on feedback some things mentioned in the forum have already been implemented which impressed me a lot.

It is a mech shooter where you fly around a specific area and you take down enemies with either machine gun or missiles and a few other weapons aswell. There is a dash mechanic so you can get the enemy quicker or dodge bullets and if you hold shift there is a bullet time mode. It is good fun even in this early version the issues i have had so far are slow frame rates (even lowest details would get about 27fps and i am using a amd 8350 and a 270x) i imagine though it will get optimized later on.

Sometimes the camera can got a bit crazy when you lock onto enemies though pressing Q switches the type of lock on mode

In the recent build they added the choice of multiple mechs in survival mode had a play of a few and will post a vid of that.

As far as what i would like to see well better frame rates /bigger explosions/ perhaps some kind of grading system as that would encourage replaying the game and perhaps secret unlocks linked to that and i am really hoping the mech's all have big differences in the way they play.

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