Saturday 31 January 2015

End of joystiq and what has happened to gametrailers ???

So news came out that the site was coming to a end next tuesday.

It was one of my go to sites for news and felt more independant then the bigger sites and it is a real shame it is closing.

Really you need those type of sites such them destructoid and kotaku as they would often cover the stuff that some big sites would ignore.

Also you feel if there more independant they have a bit more creative control and would not bow down to pressure from publishers. I really hope the people from joystiq get together and create another site.

Now gametrailers used to be one of my fav sites with invisible walls and personalities. Shane satterfield left and it was still pretty good but then news came gametrailers got bought and then it went downhill very fast. First there was a lot of layoffs which was stupid as they were the faces of gametrailers such as Rohan Rivas and Daniel Kayser, ryan stevens, Then the shows took a bit of a dive with iw stopping and the replacement for that show not lasting long

I really think they need to up the quality soon and the speed of stuff as guilty gear xrd was only reviewed the past few days despite being out for ages

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