Monday, 5 January 2015

Are the next gen consoles underpowered and does it matter ?

To answer the first part yes they are compared to PC and compared to how the last gen came in. When i got my xbox 360 and ps3 it was the first of the HD gen and i never felt they were under powered at all the first batch of games like oblivion looked close enough to the pc versions it did not matter. This gen you have games that already feel held back especially if you value 60fps gameplay. And if 4k becomes huge they will not have the horsepower needed (in fact most modest Pc's could not handle 4k).

But does it really matter ? it should not but it depends on what games come out if you make a game exclusive to a console and there are no comparison you can make them far better then previous gen just look at the system exclusives such as killer instinct and infamous second son. With a decent aesthetic games will look good. Take the Wii u for example  even though hardware wise it is not far above previous gen games like bayonetta 2 and mario kart 8 still look amazing.

Of course while graphics should not matter i find if a game has good gameplay the graphics can enhance it. This gen really needs to last a while so i am hoping they can get over any limitations  

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