So something happened online today which irritated me today after capcom had accidentally released the Streetfighter 5 trailer.
And of course people watched it downloaded and commented about it now one of my fav youtubers uploaded the trailer and they asked him to take it down which is fair enough (though i still argue pointless at that point the cat was so far out of the bag it had got to the next town) So he uploaded another video with his opinions and a few screenshots only....and he got a copyright strike over a few pictures ????. Now he did it again with no pictures and got ANOTHER copyright strike.
Now this as far as i am concerned is abusing the system and while it may be all cleared up later on it would not be a nice situation to be in to be close to getting the channel deleted.
Now capcom are not the first to abuse the copyright system there have been plenty of others from sega and nintendo to smaller developers (total biscuit did a video about it a while ago).
As far as i am concerned the whole stike system needs to be changed and i think the burden of proof needs to come from the companies and not the person who did the video as the "fair use" policy is being negated
Thankfully i have not had any strikes at all though probably because my channel is so small but there is always that fear
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