Thursday, 18 December 2014

Two comics that i think would make good films or even tv series

First comic is called leviathan and appeared in the comic 2000ad. Think of it as a cross between titanic/twilight zone and lost. Brief summary is set in 1928 a ship called the leviathan which is like a floating city a mile long and half a mile high which after setting off never arrive to there destination and are trapped on a endless still ocean for 20 years and follows what happens on board. 

I will not spoil but it had a great atmosphere alot of mystery and a payoff that was far better then in lost 

Next one is a manga called bio-meat set in the future.Meat has become in short supply but this new thing called bio-meat comes out which you do not know where it comes from but then it shows later on. And it becomes a really good horror comic and i am not usually a fan of horror comics but it just appealed to me. 

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