A sequel to symphony of the night with HD art and insane amount of 2d animation and detail in characters and backgrounds
Baldurs gate 3 the second game was awesome and very few games came to that sort of size and depth (i think bioware even stated they would never make a game on that scale again which is a shame )
A massive epic story based rpg but with a combat along the lines of bayonetta or devil may cry
Pokemon but a wii u version with a huge 3d game world (was thinking like a skyrim/zelda/pokemon hybrid)
A 2d fighting game with epic sized characters amazing 2d animation and really over the top combat (skull girls was pretty close but was thinking more in the lines of the marvel vs capcom )
HD remake of final fantasy VII/vagrant story/dark cloud 2 (and many more rpgs) and i mean a complete redo not just up res
A dynasty warriors style game but with much better combat (like with bayonetta etc) and more of a feeling of a massive campaign where what you do and how well you do impacts on happens in the war.
Colony wars sequel one of the first games i remember where how well you did impacted the mission you did next
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