Thursday, 13 November 2014

Give me a Assassin's creed type of game with no animus stuff

So i was intrigued by these games i thought they looked cool so i picked up the first one i really like history and to be taken back to a time to soak in the atmosphere

However for me and this i understand is a personal preference the Animus stuff really killed the atmosphere in the first game and while that has been cut back in later games it is still there

When you were roaming through a place and then these future elements creep in or you get things like no memory to prevent you seeing a certain area it broke the atmosphere for me but also they acted as obvious ways so you did what the developers wanted.

I would really love that type of a game and the new lord of the rings game which had elements of assassins creed as well as other games like batman really did a great job and i hope with there future games that they really go in a different direction

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