Thursday, 25 February 2016


So this has been a pretty big thing of late and i am all for this, and for the people how do not know about it then it is called Wheres The Fair Use.

In the past few years Youtube has gone downhill, where before it was people just doing there own vids, Vlogs, Lets plays and many other things now it seems to have become more corporate with many big corporations muscling in, but the biggest issue is with the copyright claim systems which promotes a guilty until proven innocent attitude.

The fact is it is being abused, say for example you do a review of a game which is almost a definition of fair use if the developer or the publisher does not like it then they can do a copyright claim to take the video down or claim ad revenue for it. And even if you are successful in getting that claim overturned and that was clearly just a false copyright claim there are no repercussions for them, if they have taken some ad revenue then you will not get it back and some channels have been deleted because of it.

Last year i did a video called my Top 10 Killer instinct Music tracks (see below) and i got my first content id claim at first i had a bit of a panic attack as i thought my channel got a strike but no it just meant i could not monetize it and i thought fair enough i was not sure that fell into fair use and i make no money anyway. but after a bit of digging around i found that the tracks they had claimed was done by Mick gordon and this group actually had done the same to him, see link here. And that annoyed me they basically went after the guy who made the music in the first place so i just disputed it and thankfully 10 days later it got taken off (though no details on why ).

Fact is Youtube really to need to have a major revamp on how the system works and employ people who Youtubers can contact directly to resolve situations because a automated systems CANNOT tell what fair use actually is.

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