Thursday, 4 February 2016

Creating a #SubThis tag

So after the Fine bros debacle it had got me thinking a lot of the really big Youtube channels are just not my thing, Of course i do like a load of them like Boogie2988. Jeremy Jahns and many more but some of the big channels do seem very corporate.

I thought it would be a good idea rather then having people band together to #Unsub to a channel how about people create blogs/videos or tweets of channels they think deserve the attention using the #SubThis Hashtag.

First one i will do is Retro Core. He has been going for a while he used to record episodes and put them on to disc to sell them, Puts a lot of effort into the vids and if you love retro games it really is a winner.

Second is Play3r, now i have to say in advance i have started writing for them recently but i always acting like a cheerleader for them since they started and i think they will become bigger as they have the productions to do it.

Will do some more later but if anyone else does some let me know

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