Monday, 16 March 2015

Things i see in Games crowd funding i hate and a tip at the end

1. Lackluster pitch video. Which shows to me no effort or worse no pitch video at all.

2.Ties in with the first one but i would say lack of effort with details of the game or how they budget it and general lack of information.

3.When funded you do not actually get the game. I was surprised as i actually had seen a few games where no matter how much you donated you do not get the game you either got a beta version or a demo. Of course they changed that so you did get full games but that is a mistake should not have been made.

4. Companies with no history. When you put money into a project with a developer where they do not show a track record i really feel they have to show the company and the people and what they have done before.

5. Multiplayer only or focused. Now i am not a fan of multiplayer but i think having that as the main feature is a bad idea for starters not everyone can play multiplayer but everyone can play single player. Plus you have the added cost of running servers.

6.Wrong priority for stretch goals.This is something that does bug me a bit. While art books and orchestral scores and releasing it on other formats may be nice i still think they should put all the money into making the game as good as it could be.And worse then that is when they put stretch goals up high that should have been in the game anyway. Also would say do not put stretch goals into the project until it is actually funded or close to being funded.

7. Very soon releases. Seen a few games where the release of the game is actually very soon after funding has finished. You can see a few games on kickstarter where there due for release before the end of the year and i have seen some games where they plan to release a few months after funding. I have mixed opinions about that first i feel there more likely to be released as progress is already well under way. But my issue is if the funding was alot more then requested they will stick to that release date and will not push it back for improvements.

8. Pixelated look. It has really been done to death now and i fear a lot of  developers are using it as a quick way to make a game rather then a design aesthetic i want HD art. But then you have a game like dust the elysian tale which has great HD art and it was done by one person.

9.No promotions . If you just leave it advertised on indie gogo or kickstarter it is asking for trouble i would say go to as many sites as possible to get them to promote it. If you have a budget for it then pay for a PR company to help out.

10. Before you put the project up for funding go to as many websites and people first and ask them opinions before it goes live. I have seen lots of projects that have died on the first impression and even when they went back to fix it was to late.

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