Saturday, 3 October 2015

Publishers dropping previous gen console

So it happened before and it happened again publishers focusing on the current gen of console rather the previous gen. Now of course it makes sense to move everything to a more current hardware but the thing that really puzzles me is why they cease development on the previous gen so quickly bar the odd token game.

Heard a few things lately in regards to games for the previous gen for example Mortal Kombat X was supposed to have been made but was cancelled due to not making the quality expected.....and i believe that is rubbish while graphically it would have took a major hit fact is you could have got the game play as it built on what Mortal Kombat 9 already did. Then you have the next Call of duty not having single player and just multiplayer because they said the previous gen could not handle the single player. And i say could handle a single player mode probably have to be cut down a bit but still could have it.

It all boils down to the publishers not putting the time or money into previous gen versions and for both Mortal Kombat x and Call of duty : Black ops 3 for previous gen they were farmed out to other developers and not getting the main developer to work on it.

Of course i understand that things have to move on i do get that but the thing that puzzles me is combined there is over 180 MILLION xbox 360s and ps3s out there and while the PS4 and Xbox one are doing well with combined sales of over 35 million but still far short of the previous gen. And i just do not understand how they can ignore that user base.

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