Thursday, 5 February 2015

Release a early access or paid beta ? then prepare to have your game rated

So early access/paid betas have been out for a while and there seems to be several schools of thought on if they can and should be rated as they are  a early version.

And i must say for me there should be ratings because first you pay money and even if it is a early version you need to know if there is potential there or if the game is just so bad it has no chance

But also there are many people (and i am one) who would only really jump into a early access game if the quality is up to a certain level. For me there would be nothing worse then paying for a game and the development gets cancelled or if it never updates and there i am i have spent money on a rubbish game.

If i know the game is at a certain level then at least i can get my moneys worth of enjoyment.

Of course if the early access or early version is run by a good team for the player there is nothing more rewarding then seeing your feedback actually go into the game. Project nimbus and beasts fury are the two that spring to mind.

In the end it is always a risk and i feel that they need to have the early versions judged  

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